
 epi n non inision eyelid   Admin 2011-01-24
i'll be arrive in korea on 17th. i would like to know how you doing epicanthol without scar and how long will be recover ( can put on make up and i am 34 yrs old)? pls let me know the price when i doing epicanthol and double eyelid surgery at the same time. besides, can we make a appointment on 17th morning time? because i have another appontment at afternoon time at the same day.

thank you
Thank you for your interest in Real Clinic.

Our Clinic has the method of magic epicantho plasty which does not have any scars.

You can put on make up 5days ater the operation.

The cost is about 1800~2000(USD) when you doing epicantho plasty and double eyelid non-incisional plasty at the same time.

We already make a appointment on 17th 11:00am.

But the accurate consultation and cost be determined only after a face to face consultation with surgeon.
It is a better way to answer your requires.
See you soon, Kath.

60 nose Nose & Double Eyelid   Real 2011-01-24

I am from Canada, and was wondering about the whole process. If I go to Korea for nose and double eyelid surgeries, will I need someone to come along with me to provide assistance after the surgery, or will there be people to help me at the clinic? Also, if I have both done in one day, could I fly back to Canada 2-3 weeks after, or will I need to stay longer, for checkups? I also do not speak Korean, so will there be English speaking doctors? What would be the approximate price?
 Nose & Double Eyelid   Admin 2011-01-24

I am from Canada, and was wondering about the whole process. If I go to Korea for nose and double eyelid surgeries, will I need someone to come along with me to provide assistance after the surgery, or will there be people to help me at the clinic? Also, if I have both done in one day, could I fly back to Canada 2-3 weeks after, or will I need to stay longer, for checkups? I also do not speak Korean, so will there be English speaking doctors? What would be the approximate price?
Thank you for your interest in Real Clinic.

We can come along with you to provide assistance after the operation.
You need to stay in Korea at least 7-10days for your treatment.
All of surgeons in our clinic can speak english. So you can consultation with surgeon in english.
The cost of double eyelid non incisional plasty is about $1200(USD).
The cost of double eyelid incisional plasty is about $1600(USD).
The cost of rhino plasty (augmentation rhino, tip augmentaton) is about $2700(USD).

But the accurate cost be determined by only after a face to face consultation with surgeon.
Thank you.

59 A peaceful sleep outline plastic surgery.   Real 2011-01-24
i boy am soon to be 18 and i will be visiting your office maybe for a surgery(양악수술) and nose and eyes. my surgery consists ofeye,nose, and facial bone. like one of your paitent called choi-en-ha i have asymetric jaw line like her and when i open my mouth the shape becomes tilted to the side causing a deformed shape so i was wondering if this type of surgery will give me a blanaced face with a properly shape mouth when i open it. Also how much is it and how long will the surgery be from the time i make an appointment?.
i am in desperate help: ever since i was born i would visit soeul reconstructive plasticsurgery for my deformed ear and all i ever wanted to be was be pretty as choi-en-ha. thank you for taking your time may you succeed in your career.
 plastic surgery.   Admin 2011-01-24
i boy am soon to be 18 and i will be visiting your office maybe for a surgery(양악수술) and nose and eyes. my surgery consists ofeye,nose, and facial bone. like one of your paitent called choi-en-ha i have asymetric jaw line like her and when i open my mouth the shape becomes tilted to the side causing a deformed shape so i was wondering if this type of surgery will give me a blanaced face with a properly shape mouth when i open it. Also how much is it and how long will the surgery be from the time i make an appointment?.
i am in desperate help: ever since i was born i would visit soeul reconstructive plasticsurgery for my deformed ear and all i ever wanted to be was be pretty as choi-en-ha. thank you for taking your time may you succeed in your career.
Thank you for your interest in Real Clinic.

First of all, You need to have x-ray photo for accurate face contouring surgery consultation.

Also, you need to have blood test, urine test, electro cardiogram etc before general anesthesia surgery.

The specific point is that you must have orthodontic treatment after 2-jaw surgery.

The cost of 2-jaw surgery is about $12000(USD).

You need to stay in seoul at least 2~4weeks for your treatment after the operation.

The accurate cost be determined only after a face to face consultation with surgeon.

Thank you.

58 nose Rhinoplasty   Real 2011-01-24

I want to get my nose done on your clinic. I want to know how much would it cost? My nose is a bit big and doesn't have bridge. I'm from the Philippines I also want to know how many days am I going to stay in your clinic? And what if, problems occur after the operation and I'm already here in Philippines? Oh by the way, is there an age limit? Like do you do surgeries to teens? Like 15 and up?

Another one is, I have a lot of acnes and it's really really not good to see. What process do I have to undergo?

Hoping to hear from you soon.
 Rhinoplasty   Admin 2011-01-24

I want to get my nose done on your clinic. I want to know how much would it cost? My nose is a bit big and doesn't have bridge. I'm from the Philippines I also want to know how many days am I going to stay in your clinic? And what if, problems occur after the operation and I'm already here in Philippines? Oh by the way, is there an age limit? Like do you do surgeries to teens? Like 15 and up?

Another one is, I have a lot of acnes and it's really really not good to see. What process do I have to undergo?

Hoping to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your interest in Real Clinic.

The cost of Rhino plasty(Augmentation rhino, Tip augmentation)
is about $2700(USD).

The cost of alarim excision plasty is about $1800(USD).

You need to stay in seoul at least 7days for your treatment after the operation.

The Rhino plasty has an age limitation of 20 years or above for its persons. But it differ from person to person.

There are many ways to cure acnes. also it differ from person to person. so you need to have face consultation with surgeon.

The accurate cost and consultation be determined only after a face to face consultation with surgeon.

Thank you.

57 eye Nose and Eyes   Real 2011-01-24
My Dear,
Could you answer how many does it cost to have nose and eyes surgery? I'm from Brazil and I'm planning to go to Korea next year. So how many days I will have to stay at the clinic? Moreover, I'm going to your country to study and to work, that's the reason I am worried about it.

Thank you for your attention.

 Nose and Eyes   Admin 2011-01-24
My Dear,
Could you answer how many does it cost to have nose and eyes surgery? I'm from Brazil and I'm planning to go to Korea next year. So how many days I will have to stay at the clinic? Moreover, I'm going to your country to study and to work, that's the reason I am worried about it.

Thank you for your attention.

Thank you for your interest in Real Clinic.

The cost of double eyelid non-incisional plasty is about $1200(USD).
The cost of double eyelid incisional plasty is about $1600(USD).
The cost of rhino plasty(Augmentation rhino ,Tip augmentation)is about $2700(USD).

You need stay in seoul at least 7days for your treatment after the operation.

But the accurate cost and consultation be determined only after a face to face consultation with surgeon.

Thank you.

56 nose Zygoma reduction   Real 2011-01-24
whats the cost of zygoma reduction? could u send me one before&after picture? i saw the picture in gallery but i want to see another one please.

nice greetings